Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Beethoven Lives Upstairs (1993)

      Beethoven Lives Upstairs (1993) by Barbara Nichol is a correspondence between 10-year-old Christoph and his uncle Karl. It begins September 7, 1822. “A madman has moved into our house,” writes Christoph. “Every morning at dawn Mr. Beethoven begins to make his dreadful noise upstairs.” Beethoven startles Christoph with many unusual behaviors. He has four pianos in his room, some with no legs—“He takes the legs off to move them and so he can play them when he is sitting on the floor.”  Uncle Karl's replies encourage Christoph to be patient and understanding. He writes, ". . . as strange as Mr. Beethoven seems, there are reasons for the way he acts. . . all day long, he is hearing music in his head. He doesn't think perhaps how very strange he sometimes seems to us." Letter writing is an effective strategy for teaching readers about Beethoven. Scott Cameron's illustrations portray Beethoven with dignity. After reading this story, we have heightened respect for this musical genius.

     Teaching Music With Mr Rhine has Composer Specials: Beethoven Lives Upstairs.  Karen Hultstrand has Beethoven Lives Upstairs Test. Music By Moonlight has Living With Beethoven Letter.

My lesson for this book is here

The Santa Clauses (1986)

The Santa Clauses retold by Achim Broger is a cute story of a young boy who saves Christmas. In this story, the little guy learns that ther...